Whose Life Are You Really Living?


Unsure of your gifts & passion?

From the time you were created, God placed gifts and talents within you that would contribute to the overall good of this world. Together, we will help you discover those gifts, your passion, and your purposes in this life. We'll also look into what's the best option for you -- start a business full-time or as a side gig, work for someone else utilizing your gift, or volunteer your time to benefit the cause that's important to you.

Paralyzed by fear & doubt?

What if boldly living out your purpose means you'll have to let go of the comforts that you've known in terms of stability? What if it means you'll have to get comfortable with failure and stumbling? Are you willing to risk it all so that you can live the life you were always meant to have? Are you wiling to walk through the fire, to exchange the "good" for the GREAT? Trust me, it won't be easy but it will be worth it!

Lack time or funding?

Do you feel stretched thin, and wonder how you will find the time, funding, and people to boldly live out your dreams? If your dream requires additional people and/or funding, we will help you discover how you can make it happen. Whether you are single or married with a demanding job and personal responsibilities, your time is still NOW. You have everything you need at this stage to move towards your dream.